Friday, January 04, 2008

Taxation Without Representation

TWR is a common scenario seen in third-world countries. "Taxation Without Representation" is the renowned slogan that echoed throughout the grieving thirteen colonies of pre-"Police The World" America. It came about as the American colonies had to pay taxes to the occupying British Empire. In spite of these taxes Americans had no representation in the British parliament and hence did not have any rights associated with these taxes. The British tried to suppress this outrage by allowing "virtual" representatives of the American people to attend parliament. This of course caused more commotion as these representatives knew nothing about America.

As we look at this glimpse of Earth's history, we cant help but see this happening all over again. It is happening ever so insidiously hidden away in another context; taking taxation and never seeing the return of this money to the streets. All we can see are the "virtual" representatives. The mouths are filled, minds kept busy with the pettiest of life and the lips are stitched. You cant keep burying and burying the earth you stand on.

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