Sunday, January 06, 2008

Talking To Cyberspace

Why do you talk to the cyberspace?

I for one do it because I like to write! It removes the burden of ideas from upon my back. Its a way of documenting your thought. Its a way of crying out without facing the shyness of distress before other people...hehe. Its a way of conveying your ideas and hoping that someone out there will trip over your blog and share the same ideas or feelings or find your blog interesting!! We do it because we are human and we like to talk and express ourselves. We do it to "fadfad" (an Arabic term), to let our heart bleed out its secrets, to speak to nothing because nothing just absorbs and does not answer back. Nothingness just listens. It may be the best listener of all.

When I find myself talking to void. I'm not really talking to void. I'm talking to God. I speak out to him and ask for his forgiveness or help. inshAllah.

So I write to be heard by no one at all or by someone who will ping me back and put a smile on my face OR make me think more and "analyze this" which will lead to more and more posts and to an exponential search Well this hasn't happened yet so lets hope for the best!

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