Friday, May 21, 2010

Angers, une belle ville

France is a beautiful country. I saw it briefly a few years back but this time round I spent a week in the country. I only spent one day and night in Paris. The rest of my stay was in Angers, a city Southwest of Paris and located in the Northwestern part of France. The train ride from Angers to Montparnasse station in central Paris blew my mind away. I saw endless flat plane fields. The scenery was filled with greenery, sunshine, endless farms. It looked like hobbit land in Lord of the Rings. I saw giant wind turbines moving majestically and towering over small farm houses. It felt surreal.

Angers itself has a population of about 150k. Its not as small as I expected. The bus ride from my hotel to the central area took around 30-45 minutes. I walked around down town, visited the castle, saw the massive cathedral and ate fondue. I'll leave you with some pix that I hope capture the beauty of the place that had me spellbound.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

I miss you Alt + Tab!

If someone were to ask me what I missed most about windows. It would be alt+tab. That was the best thing ever. Now on mac alt+tab does not switch between windows of the same application, instead it switches between windows of different applications. This continues to drive me nuts. I've looked for 3rd party apps to help me with this but so far have found nothing reliable. If anyone has any information about this, please let me know.