Monday, March 24, 2008

Calories Affect Brain Power!!!

"I fast for greater mental and physical efficiency", Plato said.

A study has been published that says:

When the stomach is empty the body produces a hormone called ghrelin. This hormone travels to the hippocampus in the brain and causes new brain cell connections to form. The hippocampus is the memory engine of your brain. when lab animals are injected with extra ghrelin, their learning ability and memory improved.

"Could intentionally keeping your stomach empty (by cutting down your food intake) accelerate learning ability and improve memory? The recent discovery involving ghrelin, taken in conjunction with recent research involving calorie restriction - suggests this may very well be the case"

Wow. Very interesting stuff...

I started looking into the relationship between food and mental power when I finally got fed up of the situation I fall into whenever I eat large meals at work. My efficiency falls to the floor. Not only do I feel slow, tired and exhausted after the large meal, I am unable to concentrate. I become a zombie!

The relationship between our diet and our life is extremely strong. Unfortunately I abuse my diet. I'm working on that...

PS: Definitely more posts on this subject...

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