Sunday, March 01, 2009

Farewell of Fury

Farewells...I hate them but we can't live without them. Unfortunately we have to bid farewell sometimes and take alternative paths in life. Today is my first day in that alternative path and I'm caught in a nostalgia of the past year and eight months. I'll miss is, but after all, changes are the spices of life. Without them life would be dull and monotonous. A change is needed every once in a while :D.

I was given a farewell fit for the famous :D. I was beaten up, written on, pushed around, sat on, poked with a fork, chased around, given a beautiful and tasty cake and was about to be put in the shower with my clothes on. There was even an attempt to take off my shoes and tickle me to death :). What a farewell!!!! :D. It was fun.
All in the name of fun and the expression of joy to see me

This is what I looked like after the farewell. Unfortunately i didn't have my camera that day so you'll have to accept the primitive quality of the cake-picker's iphone :P.


Mohamed El-Shinnawy said...

Farewell ya Gaaly, we sure do miss you (NOT!) :P

And what's wrong with the primitive quality of the cake-picker's iPhone ya kalb! You liked the cake mesh keda? That's why we beat you up to death ba3d keda, give and take man, give and take! :P

Bas seriously it's been great having you with us for the past 2 years, good luck with your career and I'm quite sure our paths will cross again one day ;)

Mohamed El-Shinnawy said...

Bas sa7ee7!
Meen rabatlak el feyonka el gamda deeh ya Gaaly? :P

Tarek El-Gaaly said...

Thanx cake-picker. It was a wonderful cake. I deserved the beating to death. And thanx for the feyonka, :D.

It was a wonderful 1 year and 8 months...ahL :D. Thanx dude!