Monday, January 08, 2007


Work is soo annoying these days. We are being treated like the computers we work on. The team leader comes in; switches us on, speeds us up, kills some of our tasks, creates new ones and shuts us down. We are no longer humans. We are a generation of androids. The rights that humans claimed other humans had, have been revoked by God-knows-who. I'm just sick and tired...

I hope something better comes up the drain...


Anonymous said...

Good luck..Work drains the life out of you if it's in an enviorment your not happy with.

Tarek El-Gaaly said...

Who is this person who speaks wisdom?

Anonymous said...

it's called anonymous for a reason! It's not wisdom just experience..

Tarek El-Gaaly said...

If u insist anonymous thing!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...
