Sunday, January 23, 2011

Name On Mars

Again, I've been caught up in the spaghetti threads of life and haven't blogged in ages. Now I'm back with a short post about my name being sent to Mars this year!

I was surfin' through the Nasa website when I came across this link that read: "send your name to mars". I instantly clicked on it and voila! My name will be written on a microchip which will be sent to the red planet this year.

I know some might say, "what on earth is this guy thinking?" :) - but why not? I'm delighted to know my name will be up there saved in time on our neighboring planet. So here's the certificate I got to prove that my name will be written on a microchip on the Mars Science Laboratory rover launching into space this year (2011).

If you want to do the same - click here

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