Saturday, December 20, 2008

Forgotten Fun

I went sandboarding again yesterday. This time we went to a place with higher dunes called Kataneya. I have to admit I haven't had that much fun in ages. I think I forgot what it was like to have fun :). Seriously...the scenery was breathtaking, the boarding was thrilling, the company was hilarious, the picture taking was great and the weather was crisp. The azure skies and the yellow sea of sand engulfed us into its beauty and spellbinding silence.

Night fell...slowly but surely the sun went down below the horizon leaving its trail of red tainted sky and cotton wool clouds. The shadows grew and the darkness slowly spread its cloak over the surrounding desert. The stars and planets came out of hiding and twinkled with a brightness and clarity unknown to city dwellers.

The trip was almost perfect :D

You know how much you enjoyed a trip by the memories it leaves you...


Mai Daoud said...

thank you for helping me remember how to have fun :)

Tarek El-Gaaly said...

wow, thats quite a comment...thank you!