October of last year, India sent up its first space mission. It sent up Chandrayaan-1 which consisted of a lunar orbiter and an impacter. The impacter separated from the orbiter and hit the surface of the moon releasing debris which was analyzed for water/ice. The orbiter will map the surface of the moon. Already images of the deep moon craters have been beamed back.
India has become the fourth country after the US, Russia and Japan to put its flag on the moon. This is quite an achievement. It shows that India is a force to be reckoned with. In the 1960s American products were boosted by the US missions into space. The missions were seen as a sign of technological advancement in all aspects, not just space flight. Japan visited the moon in 1990, China sent probes up into lunar orbit and now India successfully completes its first event in the exploration of our moon. This definitely gives a boost to Indian technology. They have already developed the worlds cheapest car. Despite the enormous poverty they are on the right track in the technological sector.
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